I have edited this due to the fact that I said some harsh things out of suffering. Being homeless with breast cancer and getting sicker daily will do that to a person.

March 17, 2017

Dear Mr. Kushner,

In May, just as president-elect Trump needed good PR, an article put in the NY Post on my grim situation was published. It described my greedy over-tenant, Ms.Keithline, who owns three homes including her home in upstate NY (her primary residence). The article also stated her income at over $200K per year which exceeds the limit for rent control. Yet she is shielded by lawyers keep from showing her bank records thus ‘protecting’ her in this case. Ms.Keithline, a retired NYC public school teacher, and small business owner evicted me when she learned I had breast cancer. But you know that. It was apparent that you were aware that I was severely wronged and understood my health condition and other details.

Via a press release, James Yolles, your spokesman said, “Ms.Keithline’s deplorable actions have no place in our building. We are outraged that Ms.DiCarlo was being taken advantage of. We’re working swiftly not only to remove Ms.Keithline through the legal process but also to ensure that Ms.DiCarlo can live in the unit.”

Unfortunately, there was apparently no follow-through on your public statement, as months go by with no contact by you or your management or attorney. Did your company use me as a publicity stunt to help President-elect Trump’s reputation in the New York press and to boost his candidacy, thus helping you? I was horribly ridiculed in the courts by judges after this public relations stunt, they hung me out to dry as they trashed your Father in Law in a court of law from the bench. I am also dismayed that your high-priced attorney who seems to be intent on pretending that she was there to help me behaved like a storefront lawyer from Essex street, actually an Essex street lawyer would be better. Your attorney, Ms. Londoner would not return my calls which seems to show a non-commitment to your very statement. I know you are very busy with your Father in Law and you now have a place in the White House, which dismays me as; how can you keep a promise to a country when you can not keep a promise to one women with breast cancer?

I  believed Mr.Trump is a good man with a hard job, just as Mr.Obama, but I am beginning to lose that hope. I, and others have sent countless letters to the White House, I have not heard back even once. I am in New York, perhaps the new administration figures “why bother?”.

That said, you could have put me in an apartment as you evicted Ms.Keithline; I could not get three weeks adjournment after major cancer surgery, yet Ms.Keithline’s legal proceeding were pushed ten months without Ms.Keithline appearing in court with her bank records; effectively working to Ms.Keithline’s benefit and certainly to my own detriment. What power does this retired school teacher have?
I wondered if that was long enough to make sure I had another apartment, and your promise was just that, a false statement in the press? Well, I do not have a safe apartment, I am in a very dangerous housing situation and getting sicker daily.

Mr.Kushner, due to my deteriorating health, I cannot let this go. I’m not sure President Trump would approve of your seemingly heartless action.  I know he houses a homeless women found squatting in Trump Tower for the last eight years, I have read of many of his kindnesses to all persuasions of people, Yes, I read what he did as a younger man, and that was not kind, so, I will be watching for the many promises that were made to the poor to manifest or not. Anyone who is in the White House is given power to practice kindness, its all you can take with you on the other side. Will you, Mr.Kushner be a man of honor and of your word? Will you fulfill the promise that Mr.Yolles made publicly on your behalf? It was the middle-class and the suffering in our country that elected your father-in-law, many of the wealthy went to the other side of the political spectrum. How can you be so wantonly uncaring?

Please understand that as my health deteriorates due to these shady circumstances, my anger and disappointment grows.


Jeani DiCarlo